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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chobots Gets Hacked - 2/20/2011

Today, a catastrophe occurred. A hacker hacked Chobots mainframe and admin data and hacked the game for more than 5 hours straight. The hacker is unknown. Lots suspected it was a prank, or that it was someone named "Charlie". He or she rained loads, and I mean loads, of rare beta items. AND FIRE BOOTS! Moderators like Vecna, William, Royaltapdancer, and Puffles came online investigating. No evidence was found to prove any hackers, but there was evidence there was a hacker. It was not a prank. I got some pictures.... want to see them? edit 1/27/2012 6:01 PM EST

And blackjack11 gave me this pic:

(The magic resembles items!)

William, along with the other moderators, but especially William, told us to delete the items. Sell them. Some didn't. He said we would get banned and the items were going to be deleted later on if we didn't. So, lots had no choice. But still, some people didn't. No one got banned though. BUT, I am extremely mad at William. This is no joke. You can tell by my proper grammar - everyone's. Usually we're all wacko, ha ha! Anyway, William then later said we could keep the items if we didn't wear them that much. So, we could wear them occasionally. When I told my mom, she said don't delete before William said that. I did. I kept some items. I just deleted all 5+ of my angel suits I got. :( THAT IS THE SECOND TIME I'VE LOST MY ANGEL SUITS! I AM SO MAD! I should have listened. At least I didn't delete some. I am extremely mad at William. He owes me. Big time. He owes lots of people big time. I hope you read this too, William. :/ :\

-~RedCP and Pittle-~


Juliet said...
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blackjack11 said...

it was really awesome :D

Thomas said...
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