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Friday, August 6, 2010

Rules of Chobots - Follow Them!

Hey Everyone :]
I wanted to explain the rules of Chobots. Today, on my agent account, there was a breakout. Non-agents inviting more non-agents to the Agents Headquarters. Wrong wrong wrong! Puffles was online, luckily, so I invited her. We had to have a meeting in a different server. Yes, a meeting. We finally managed to get bmartalog and skittles2k9 out. Mainly, bmartalog. Puffles said she would consider my idea:
You know how when citizens invite non-citizens to Citizens HQ, the non-citizens get an error message saying the location is only for citizens. Why not non-agents get the error message when they try to get in the Agents HQ?
She said it was a very good idea. Lots of the others said chat ban, or kicking. Here's what I had to say to that:
Really, I don't think that. Even though we have good agents nowadays, who knows, one could be a traitor. There are traitor agents. It's very sad, and it could happen anytime.
They said to give the power to trusted agents. This wasn't what I was thinking either.
Yes, one of our trusted agents could get scammed, like Warrior8787 (i forgot if it was 8787 or 7878 sorry) did. And then the scammer could abuse the power. And, if hacking ever came true to Chobots (Hope not), the power could be abused, once again.
Some of my good agent friends agreed. Yeah, some did not. A very rough meeting, indeed, it was. Thank's puffles for coming. I had fun lol! I finally made everyone forget this by meditating and falling through the teleporter and making some of 'em laugh. Then I fell into a chair. I think it may have helped. A big situation.
Now, saying bad words, or racisim. Badpeople continues to do this.
He also says gross stuff that I won't post. It's disgusting. Don't do this! It can hurt loads of feelings. Why do you want these people dead, eh?
Chobuyer is quite rude to. His blog (Chobuyer.blogspot.com) has a poll about how mean I am. He has an edited picture of me swearing in PC with his two accounts. Lol, maybe I'm advertising his blog, but in a bad way so don't be soo cheerful Chobuyer!
Gymore yet again is being mean. She commented on one of my bestest friend's blogs (Cho-Weather, very awesome and creative, for more info, go to cho-worlds.blogspot.com) (I forgot the cho-weather link) saying that I am very rude. How does she know why I can't/wont enter? I explained recently. She removed me for I don't know! She thinks I'm mean, if I am, please, someone, explain how.
There are more bad chobots, but now's not the time. I'm not trying to be mean at all by saying these names, forgive me, but I've spoken the truth. Can we all just follow these rules? Please? :)
Scamming, very bad. Asking for passwords! What the heck, I mean?! We're not supposed to give out our passwords, am I right? Even if we were, I wouldn't! Lots of you wouldn't! I mean...
Nsrenard! I'm not scamming any citizens for you, nor will I give you any of my accounts!
Duke404, stop asking for mimom's password! He's explained to me everything about it!
Ally02, thanks alot for deleting all my items! (this was nearly 200+ days ago).
Yeah, um, lots of scammers as well. Please stop! Very bad thing to do, and we always have our Restore button :D I think Chobots should send us an email about changing our passwords to. Ally02 was a strong, tough fighter trying to keep my account, but I got it.
Anyway, spamming is bad too! It causes lag! Chobots is laggy abit (not trying to be mean), so don't spam! Spam is wrong. What does it stand for? Stupid pointless annoying messages. Some people do this! We want clean messages, am I right?! :]
Stop being annoying too! Annoying ish bad! When people tell you to please stop, or leave, maybe you should do it!
Thank you all for letting me write this. I hope I helped you all!


Alice said...

redcp heres my email :)



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