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Sunday, August 15, 2010

We... Tried.... Scammers

Well, well, well. Another scamming day on Chobots.
I'm getting sick and tired of scamming. There is no point at all. If your scamming coz they have cool items (like racer) and your citizen and you can do nichos, etc. But you scam instead. That's just -no offence- Lazy. You need to earn it! You can earn money in real life, instead of scamming a citizen! Please stop scamming, hacking, whatever! YOU MUST NOT KNOW THAT A MODERATOR WILL NEVER EVER ASK FOR YOUR PASSWORD. IF THEY DO, THEY WILL MOST LIKELY HAVE TO POST IT ON THE BLOG. GIVING A LINK TO A PRIVATE REAL CHAT. THERE, WITH PC, WE CAN BE SAFE!
That's what I would do. Anyway. I have a list of scammers. These do scam. I do not, at the moment, have pictures. Wish I could, however, prove to you. Here is what I know:
Ally02 (worst scammer you come across on)
Mimom (recently scammed me)
Xxzezozxx (something like that) (asks for passwords)
Iceingcupcake (wants to draw on account, most likely lieing)
Churpy (says she/he is hiki) (says she/he will make you agent) (MAY BE Carmel910, but may not be)
Theagentchat.tk and chobadge.tk creator (unknown) (scams loads of agents)
That's all I currently know. Of course (:"[) there are more scammers out there. Please do not trust scammers. They are very harsh and mean, and if you're an agent trying to scam, like mimom, that could get you de-agented. Mimom also did (not made) the agentchat.tk I know I know :P
Anyway, scammers, this is the wrong thing. Please stop at the law of Chobots. Chopots. xD
P.S. I couldn't upload any images, the thing isn't working x/ x\


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