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Monday, September 13, 2010

Two Removed


I had to remove Stretford01 today.


All he cares about is working on famous blogs. Mine isn't THAT good (even though Tina said she LOVED IT). Sad. How can I tell? He applied for Chobot's blog. And it's FAMOUS! So wow :/ Sorry.

I also had to remove fffr.


She said, first of all, "remove me, I don't care". Really? And, next, not to be rude, the grammer wasn't really good. We try to keep this blog with good grammer. Not like lolz, chopix is bac, meh, sozz, etc. Like, So anyway, Have you noticed?, etc. And we need these posts interesting. Observe how Cupcakefairy posted the post. On zarich.tk or any of her blogs. Wonderful!

Now I haven't QUITE removed them, so they can see this post, and maybe make up (post a post) but if they don't, and tomorrow, I remove them. :( Sowwee!

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