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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I'm quitting Chobots. Yep. Evilcoco spread a rumor that I was "go-vit". I mean, wtheck!? Godchobot MAINLY started it... whoever he is. And who is go-vit, anybody know? Who is Godchobot, anybody know? Ugh! I'll appoint a new owner for my pet, Pittle, he must be treated properly. He deserves all love. I won't login RedCP, but I will go on tests like once a month or something? And If I can find out, I might just go ahead and disable RedCP....

That's all =( Very sorrry, it was the final straw.

Update (8-25-10): Adding a "Track the Tests" page so you can see if I may be online!!
Update (8-26-10): Nobody is getting my account. Stop asking. One day, I could return, or just check on. I don't, for example, want my space racer deleted... even though i quit :P. Some ppl may say I still have true feelings for Chobots, not TOO much... I really dunno. BUT NOBODY IS GETTING MY ACCCOUUUNT!!! I don't share accounts. My mom taught me: You don't know who the person could be. A hacker? Child killer? Scammer? No proof, no proof!!
Update (8-26-10): My Club Penguin name is Red Apollo, youtube is ReporterRed, Pandanda is RedCP, and Xat is Chattie209 (Chatter209 is my old account, hacked by sneil). Btw, just to include fairness (o_o) check AKA mimom scammed HALFF meh powers !!! Dx
Update (8-26-10): Poll if I should stay. Give your true opinion. :)


Superb said...

Whoos Gonna Keep Your Account Safe? I Want Atleast Somepme To Keep Your Acc.

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